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Thursday, 7 March 2013

Meaning of Taekwondo Poomse 8

Taegeuk 8 (Pal) Jang: Gon – Symbolizes the earth and has 24 movements.

This last group of Taegeuk actions is guided by the principle called gon, which is defined as the quality of being receptive. Its metaphysics is pure yang, and it is symbolized by the earth, providing the substance into which the heavenly light and energy of Keon enters to produce physical forms.
Taegeuk Pal jang is intended as a summation and a review of all the previous forms for the student on their way to attaining the rank of black belt. Those of the 1st Gup are required to be proficient in this as well as the preceding forms.

" The earth is the source of life. Things take life from it and grow on it, drawing limitless energy from it. The earth is where the creative force of heaven is embodied. The earth is always wordless; it hugs and grows everything." 

8 (Taegeuk Pal Jang)

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