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Thursday 7 March 2013

Meaning of Taekwondo Poomse 2

Taegeuk 2 (ee) Jang: Tae - Symbolizes joyfulness and has 18 movements.

The Second poomse in the Taegeuk series is composed for the training of students of 7th Gup Student. In addition to the actions presented in the previous poomse, this poomse introduces the front punch, which is directed toward the head of the imagined adversary as a new technique.
Philosophically, this poomse correlates to the concept of Tae, which means joy. Tae is of a spiritually uplifting nature, but it is not aggressive. It is serene and gentle instead.
In compliance with these characteristics then, the actions of this poomse should be performed with ease and fluidity; without the sense of struggling against your limitations, but nevertheless, living fully within them. Tae is symbolized by the image of a lake. It is the state in which one’s mind is kept firms and ostensibly appears gentle so that smile and virtue prevail. 

2 (Taegeuk Ee Jang)

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