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Thursday 7 March 2013

Meaning of Taekwondo Poomse 3

Taegeuk 3 (Sam) Jang: Ri - Symbolizes fire and sun and has 20 movements.

As with the previous poomse, proficiency in performing Taegeuk Sam Jang is required of students of 6th Gup rank and higher. The three moves incorporated here, however, are more varied, and demand variety in quickness and strength on the part of the person performing as well. Ri is the philosophical correlative of this form; and Ri means fire and the sun. The sun causes fire. Man knows how to use the fire that gives light, warmth, enthusiasm and hope.
So, the movements of this poomse must emulate the qualities of fire – that of flickering energy, of unpredictable pace and styling, and of quiet followed by great excitement or great passion – but continually moving, burning. In this poomse, many moves are combined in quick succession, such as front kicks followed instantly by double front punches. This poomse also introduces the outward middle block with a knife hand and the knife hand strike as new techniques. 

3 (Taegeuk Sam Jang)

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